Healing Soles Ltd.
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Diamond Sponsors
Our Great Sponsors
These great sponsors make it possible for people (kids & adults alike) and organizations to utilize Healing Soles services that wouldn't normally be able to.  These services allow the clients to better themselves and relationships in their lives.  

Please take a moment to check out the sponsors.
Emerald Sponsors
Ruby Sponsors
Sapphire Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Are you or your company interested in sponsoring those that wouldn't normally be able to utilize Healing Soles services, like:
- Individuals
- Kids
- Organizations
- Families

And at the same time get you or your company some exposure and advertising.

Ask us how you can make a difference and to get a copy of our 2013 Sponsorship Opportunities list.  

If you are unable to sponsor and want to be involved, ask us about our Connection Pathway Volunteer Program.